Print Edition! Sarvet’s Wanderyar

We’re delighted to announce that the trade paperback edition of Sarvet’s Wanderyar is now available for readers everywhere to enjoy.

Sarvet's Wanderyar

Sarvet walks with a grinding limp, and her mountain culture keeps girls close to home. Worse, her mother emphasizes all the things Sarvet can’t do.

No matter how gutsy her spirit or bold her defiance, staying put means growing weaker. But only boys get wanderyars. Lacking their supplies and training, how can Sarvet escape?

Can dreams – even big dreams – and inner certainty transform impossible barricades into a way out?

Trade Paperback
Sarvet’s Wanderyar is available as a trade paperback for $9.99
5″x 8″ trim size • 112 pages
ISBN-10: 0615743099
ISBN-13: 978-0615743097
Amazon I CreateSpace I or order it from your local bookstore

And, of course, for ebook lovers, Sarvet’s Wanderyar continues to be available as an ebook. I Amazon UK I B&N I Diesel I iTunes I Kobo I Smashwords I Sony


Print Edition! Troll-magic

The latest release from the Wild Unicorn presses comes literally from a press – a print-on-demand press. It’s the trade paperback edition of Troll-magic. Ebooks and e-readers make toting your favorite book on vacation or just on the commuter train much easier. But sometimes you want to hold something more substantial, turn actual paper pages, or wrap up a gift for a special birthday celebration. This edition is for those times!

photo of trade paperbacks

North-land spellcasters who summon excessive power transform into trolls – potent, grotesque, and hungry for control.

Prince Kellor, cursed by the troll-witch Mandine to live as a north-bear, wrestles with the challenges of his beast form. Pain wracks his body. Unpredictable rages blur his mind. And his thoughts spin out of all sense, confusing his search for the loopholes that every curse possesses.

His curse turns on the choices of his childhood friend Elle. She once shared Kellor’s idyllic rambles through the wilderlands. She now loves all things musical. Might Kellor persuade her to neglect her own life and save his? Should he?

But no troll-witch permits her prey to escape with ease. The illusory loopholes in Mandine’s curse all twist back to its entombing heart.

J.M. Ney-Grimm tells a lyrical Beauty and the Beast tale, rife with moments of shining glory and dark magnificence, tumbling toward a lethal battle of wills and the impossible choices forced by clashing loyalties.

Trade paperback • $19.99
6″x 9″ trim size • 438 pages
ISBN-10: 0615702546
ISBN-13: 978-0615702544
Amazon I CreateSpace I or order it from your preferred distributer or local bookstore

Of course, the novel continues to be available as an ebook for e-reader aficionados. Amazon I B&N I iTunes I Kobo I Smashwords